Κέντρο σωματικής, συναισθηματικής, νοητικής & πνευματικής ολοκλήρωσης
Men's Group
Τρί 09 Νοε
|Institute of Core Energetics Greece
Men coming together to share , express, let go, and uncover their true potential. Facilitated by Konstantinos Repanis & Gyasi Bramos Hantman

Time & Location
09 Νοε 2021, 6:30 μ.μ. – 9:30 μ.μ.
Institute of Core Energetics Greece, Pl. Agiou Georgiou Karitsi, Athina 105 61, Greece
About the Event
This men’s group has been created to form a place where men can have space to explore and discover themselves and their true potential. The group focuses on bringing these men together in a safe environment that allows for the deeper journey by which we become the men we always wanted to be and bring positive changes to our lives and the world.
Many of us tend to hide our more vulnerable selves in life. In group, men can experience a sense of belonging and closeness that reduces isolation and frustration. Through group facilitation and the support of other men, we seek to uncover and learn and practice the ways of men at their best. This is a highly individualized journey shared with the collective in a group structure.
Each man comes with his own unique story, challenges, ways of being, and life experience. Through basic principles of Core Energetics and combining the mind, body, and spiritual dimensions to get a fuller and richer experience, each man can build their path towards greatness.
We will deal and explore many questions such as:
· What does it mean to be a man?
· How did your family impact you as a man?
· What does it take for you to trust others with your vulnerability?
· What is love and how do you express it? What keeps you from loving?
· What have you learned about sexuality in your life?
· How do you experience others’ sexuality that might be different than yours?
· How do we handle our more primitive impulses?
· What does power, leadership and authority mean to you?
· What is your passion in life?
Members of the group don’t need to have past experience in psychotherapy or in other groups. The group creates a safe environment with specific rules where confidentiality and sincerity are the main pillars.
Group facilitators: Gyasi Bramos Hantman & Konstantinos Repanis
Gyasi Bramos Hantman: Is a graduate of the Core Energetics Institute of Greece. He is a trained Core Practitioner and holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in social work. Gyasi is originally from New York City and currently lives in Athens Greece. He maintains a private practice and directs the operations for the Core Institute in Athens.
Konstantinos Repanis: Is a graduate of the Core Energetics Institute of Greece. He is a trained Core Practitioner and keeps a practice in Athens with people of any age. He also has studied and practiced Theatre and acting and has a Master’s degree in Reiki healing.
Time: Ever second Tuesday (biweekly) 6:30 – 9:30pm
Location: Institute of Core Energetics Greece Plateia Karytsi 5, Athens Greece
Cost per session €35
Participant Time commitment: (3) months
Languages: Greek & English